how to hang a picture with two hook picture hanging on the wall next to curtains and a television
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The Easiest Way To Hang A Picture With Two Hooks

Do you have a picture frame sitting on the ground because you haven’t been able to hang it up? Want to know how to hang a picture? Well, over the years of me wanting to hang all the things on all the walls, I have learned a thing or two about how best to do…

Do you have a picture frame sitting on the ground because you haven’t been able to hang it up? Want to know how to hang a picture? Well, over the years of me wanting to hang all the things on all the walls, I have learned a thing or two about how best to do it! One of my favorite tricks is broken down in this post.

The Easiest Way To Hang A Picture With Two Hooks

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Step One

Lay the picture frame with two hooks face down. Then take your Frog Tape and cut a piece the length of your picture frame.

Step Two

Secure the Frog Tape just under the hooks of the picture frame.

Step Three

Poke 2 separate holes in the Frog Tape where the hooks are.

Step Four

Take the Frog Tape and stick it to the wall where you want to hang the picture.

Step Five

Using the Bubble Level app, make sure the Frog Tape is level.

Step Six

Once level, make where the nails should go by creating a nail mark on the wall through the holes you made in the Frog Tape.

how to hang a picture with two hook picture hanging on the wall next to curtains and a television

Step Seven

Remove Frog Tape and hammer in nails into the wall.

Step Eight

Hang picture.

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how to hang a picture with two hooks overlay on living room with picture on wall next to curtains

I told you this was the easiest way to hang pictures with two hooks!! Seriously, I use this method all the time. Now there are gadgets and things that you can use to hang pictures, but I still go back to this method because it works and it is fast. My husband loves using the picture hanging tool but I have found that the indentations it makes aren’t the easiest to see and I can never get things straight. Maybe it is because I am more of a visual person and need to see the full length of the picture before I hang it up!

But any way you hang, I just want you to feel like you can do things, like hang a picture on the wall!

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13 thoughts on “The Easiest Way To Hang A Picture With Two Hooks”

  1. This is a good start…but you need to check that the hooks are equidistant from the sides since you flip the tape.

    1. The Organized Mama

      Good point. I didn’t flip the tape because I stuck it to the frame them stuck it to the wall. That’s the easiest way to ensure that the hooks are at the correct spot!

      1. Thank you so much for making this so simple for me. I was always measuring from one prong to the other and then using a level. Most of the time it did not come out even!!

  2. Paula frisby Kennedy

    Now this is a process that I can understand and doesn’t involve an engineering degree. Love it!

    1. Thanks for this post. It helped me get a large frame with family photos on the wall in no time.

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